The VR Training Platform for Anti-Sexual Harassment and DEI Training



Don’t Explain,


Don’t explain what the elephant in the room feels like - experience it and tie that feeling to an action. Use experiential learning to drive change in your organization. The powerful immersion of Virtual Reality forms new understandings and develops practical tools for action in a high stakes environment.

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Unlock Unparalleled Insights

Immersive training allows for unprecedented people analytics; your portal enables you to understand how employees are engaging with training material. From engagement data, to patterns in behavior, to detected empathy levels, to displayed levels of confidence. Receive unparalleled insights into how your employees think and engage.

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Scale and Train Efficiently

We’ve got it figured out. Using portable VR headsets, you can now train anywhere. The result? Decreased disruption to the work day compared to other trainings. Our platform features Employee Auto-Scheduling, Headset Auto-Shipping and a Headset Checkout system so headsets can be checked out, returned, and retrieved at any time. From a warehouse to your company’s satellite office, our platform tracks and manages employee training completion so you don’t have to.

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